Project Management

“quote from Andrea on role/importance of PM..."

Before you begin...

Role of the Project Manager

The Project Manager manages all communications, develops the timeline, tracks progress and blockers, manages handoffs, and ensures Jira tasks are assigned to the correct team member for completion

Pre-requisites for the role

  • Ideally project managers will have had prior experience managing projects and participating in an SDLC and/or software implementation. Knowledge of JIRA or similar tools also helpful.

Your journey at-a-glance

Bookmark these resources...

Expect to make regular use of these resources during and after training. Consider bookmarking them.
L7|ESP Help Center
User and technical documentation
L7|ESP Sandbox

Fully-functional, pre-seeded instance of L7|ESP

Your training path

We recommend that you complete the courses below in sequence to prepare you for shadowing and certification. 

L7|ESP Fundamentals

Core concepts | Terminology | User experience

Modeling Data and Processes

Build and test the underlying protocols and workflows that end users execute

Project Management: Process and Tools